When studying in Mexico I created a modular tapistry that could transport the street vibe to every other place.
I am referring to walls inside the country, at every house, every park and condominio. During my semester abroad in 2010 in Mexico D.F. I had to observe many of them and used this inspirational input to create a tapistry design to bring the mexican everyday vibe into german households.
The tapistry is designed as a modular pattern to individualize the experience. There is one design for the top and one for the bottom. In the middle part the user is free to mix 4 remaining designs the way they want.
It is made out of 30 x 50 wood print tiles, which gives even more roughness and individual touch to each print.
Another tapistry design I developed in Mexico merges the often occuring tile facades with abundant stray dogs in the streets.
During my exchange semester in Mexico D.F. I spent a lot time wandering through mexican streets and observing the innumerous stray dogs that chill out there. Mexican buildings often were decorated with colorful tile patterns. In this project I combined these two observations and created a design for a tapistry. The single colors were carved in wood tiles and printed in our universitys xilography workshop.